Anatomical Ingredients

Create some edible models of human anatomy! You will need to print out a body outline and gather some ingredients.

Body Mat

You will need:

Place the ingredients in a small bowl and present it to your child. She must decide which objects represent which organs (or bones) and place them in the correct positions.

To help get her started, ask questions like, “Which of these objects could be the bones? Why?” or “Which object looks most like a stomach?” She will have fun trying to figure it out!

Celery Stick Figure

You Will Need:

Trim off the ends of each celery stalk. Line four of them up and cut them in two, one half being slightly longer than the other (arms and legs). Cut one other stalk exactly in half (torso). The curve of each stick needs to be a perfect semicircle, so trim accordingly. Fill each stalk brimming with cream cheese.

Now, with your child, take a close look at the insides of a celery stick. Explain how it is a lot like our bodies, with veins, meat (muscle), and skin. Have your child help you put two sticks together to form a limb. The cream cheese in the center represents a bone.

Once you have the arms, legs, and torso put together, you can now assemble a stick figure. Admire, then chow down!